Sunday, October 09, 2005

Tick Tock

Tick tock, tick tock...
That is the sound of maternity leave leaving...
I will be back in grind soon. I am enjoying a beautiful day with my baby girl and feeling ok right now. I have staff development on Monday and Tuesday so those are half days but I have to go work in my room and do lesson plans. I can work as much...or little as I want. Wednesday will be the big day though.
I continue to ask God to cover me with peace and for me to embrace it. He has been faithful and will continue to be. I will continue to ask for a way to stay home but until he answers that prayer, may I be a diligent worker for him.

1 comment:

holdenon said...

I am thinking about you during this time! Please call if you need to talk or vent! Lots of love and prayers!