Thursday, November 26, 2009

Magazine Deals

This is the only way I knew to get you some good deals on magazines. I have used them to order another magazine for super cheap! Tanga has good deals and I have had good luck. Just click on what you're interested in!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Crazy Love and Me

I finished the book Crazy Love. Super easy reading, super convicting on the soul. I read the bible and I know about God and I know he loves me and his promises, but to truly believe them, that is where I struggle. Crazy Love is about loving everyone more than yousrelf, even the unlovable. Who do you avoid? Love them. Who has hurt you? Love them. Who do you need to forgive? Forgive and love them. These are not easy things for me to do.
I am called to follow Jesus fully, trust completely in him in such a way that it may look crazy. I am to give more than I have, help the poor, feed the needy. After all, it's not about this life, but the life to come. I am not to put my hope in this world but the one to come.
So, how do I love God more? How do I do this thing? First off, asking God to help me. Realizing its the cross alone that saves me and enables me. It is me constantly repenting of my selfishness and asking God to give me heart of flesh that doesn't look to the law to be the point (where grace, mercy, love, compassion, kindness will be void), but leads others to the point, Christ. I must pray for humility and ask him to help me with this.
I don't want this to be just another book I read and am inspired for a few days or weeks, but something that I allow God to use a tool to transform me.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I Suck. Thank Goodness for the Cross

I have began reading a book called Crazy Love. Got it from my parents and I have finished the first 4 chapters and already feel like I suck (thank goodness for the cross!). Chapter 4 is about being lukewarm and the characteristics of a lukewarm Christian and abomination it is to the Lord. After reading the descriptions, I found myself in many of them. After finishing the chapter, I had to go back and look at the descriptions of each, confess my sin in them, repent, and ask the Lord to help me.
Just a couple of the lukewarm descriptions I found myself in are:
I don't want to be saved from my sin, just from the penalty of it.
Rarely share my faith with neighbors, friends, and coworkers.
Think about life much more on earth than eternity in heaven.
Continually concerned with playing it safe; I am a slave to the god of control.

Jesus asks for everything, but we (I) try to give him less. Luke talks about being salt. Salt was used to help manure be good fertilizer. Salt that loses its saltiness is not even beneficial to manure. In same way, my lukewarm faith is useless.

If this is only chapter 4, I can't imagine what is in store. As I go through this book, I want to really understand the nature and character of God (in addition to the bible) and have a heart that declares: "The greatest good on this earth is God." Heaven help me.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Don't Call CPS, Seriously

My sweet Abbie was turning circles in her tent with Ellie and both were full of laughter until Abbie fell down, hit her head on her fan, began bleeding every where, carpet included. I hustled her into the bathroom, grabbed a rag and tried to stop the bleeding as quickly as possible while calling Brian to see if she would need stitches but he deferred to his mom, a nurse, who said as long as the bleeding stopped, she was ok. Thankfully, the bleeding did stop and stitches were averted.
Tonight my sweet Ellie was playing on the bleachers at gymnastics when her little wobbly feet slipped and she fell, hitting her head busting her temple, scraping her forehead, and scratching her cheek. She cried a cry that told me she was in pain (obviously). The puncture didn't bleed much so I took her downstairs and got some ice where the nice lady also gave her little a little icy treat which calmed her down.
Now my two sweet girls have indentions in their head, cute to match, but this is taking it too far!

Monday, November 16, 2009


As the holiday season approaches, it seems I always find myself in a funk of my own doing. Almost a year out of step studies, I am able to better view my life, its sin, the root of it, confess and repent. God has brought to my heart my idol of comfort/security and my distrust of his providing hand. I look at our budget and think, "How are we going to make it? What else can we cut?" With that, I trim the budget again getting rid of what we don't need in hopes to be more wise and more dependent on Him.
I think God knew I would be in this funk at this moment and has provided ways of helping me deal. The sermon Matt preached over money hit home. I am not an owner, merely a steward to what he has given and does my budget reflect more of an owner, or steward? Ouch. I'm an owner. Do we live beneath our means in order to bless others? Ouch. I don't.
Beau preached on anxiety that is rooted in pride or distrust. I can honestly say I don't trust God to provide so I search the budget for things to cut, things to sell, or things to do to make money instead of resting in his character that has provided for our family each and every month, each and every year. We have never gone without. Never. Shouldn't that be enough for me to believe in the power of God? One would think. But I find myself thinking with head in the flesh instead of my soul in the spirit.
Today's verse on twitter? Out of Philippians 4 to think on true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, things worthy of praise. I went back a few verses where it tells me not to be anxious about anything, but in everything to present my requests to God.
So, here is my web confession that I am seeking comfort, making it my idol, instead of trusting the ever giving, all sufficient grace of God to provide. My worrying to does not add to my day, nor does it solve any problems. When I bring myself before the throne, confess my sin, that is when the power of God is able to move in my life. Comfort can not be my end goal, but seeking the face of God.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Cereal Deal

At Target, they have buy 3 get 1 FREE on Kellogg's Cereal. Here is a deal for you.

I bought: Rice Krispies, Frosted Flakes, Apple Jacks, and Honey Smacks.
My cereal prices were:

I got the $2.69 cereal for FREE. Sweeten the deal with the following coupons.

A Full Cup has Target generator coupons. Choose $1 off Kellogg's and print it 4 times.
Go to to print out various Kellogg's coupons depending on the cereal you eat.
Go here to get $1 off 3 boxes plus additional coupons on other cereals to add in.

Here are my coupon totals
$4 from afullcup
$1 from Kellogg's website
$.75 for Honey Smacks
$.75 for Rice Krispies
Total coupons: $6.50

Average out the price for all 4 boxes of cereal: $.69 each

Now I just a few gallons of milk!!