Monday, November 28, 2005

Here, Here, Absent

Brian and I just got done watching Wife Swap. I know, trash. This one was good. It was a Christian couple and an atheist couple. It was great to see a strong Christian couple, a preacher's wife at that, being examples for the others. Of course at this time, they are not converted, but I believe a seed has been planted.
I began to think about the man of the atheist couple. He has his own web radio show (focusing on atheism of course) and works 18 hours a day and not spending time with his family. I began to think, which is worse: to have a dad at home who is absent or just a plain old absent dad who is not there? Brian says the one that is just plain old absent because you don't expect anything and don't have to hope he will pay attention.
I don't know which one I would choose. Teaching, I have seen the plain old absent and I think it is pretty damaging and I have seen the work-aholic fathers too.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Too Long

It is amazing how time can slip through your fingers like a grain of sand. I can't believe how much I DON'T blog. Certainly not my intention. Since my last blog lots has happened.
Can you believe that Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey are getting divorced? I certainly thought they would make it. Seriously. Ask my husband.
Oh, and the more important. Abbie. She is now 4 months old and eating cereal and green beans. She is doing a fabulous job and certainly has not inherited my eating habits thus far. Tomorrow we try peas. Does it get any better than this? We also took her to get her Christmas pictures taken. They are too cute.
I return back to work tomorrow and have so enjoyed being home for the past 5 days with Abbie. I was beginning to think I would continue to work and not pursue being at home but I do miss being with her all day. She has grown so much and is getting to the fun stage where she can interact with you.
There are also some trying times in the family as well. Both our moms had found lumps. My mom's was an infection and his mom's was benign. Brian's grandma is very sick. She has been battling liver cancer for the past 3 years and now her body is just winding down. We are not sure how much longer she will be with us. We had Thanksgiving at her house and just hope she makes it to Christmas as well.
Life is short. You can see this by how quickly the weekend goes or how fast your baby grows. I have been asking God not to slow down time, but for me to slow down and to take the moments in. Not rushing to the next thing or even thinking about it. Just being in the moment. What else could you ask for?

Monday, November 07, 2005

Getting There

Today to school I wore some pre-pregnancy pants. I must say, it felt good. I began to think about what was making it work. Sure, I "do" Weight Watchers (kinda), but I think I have found what works best. I have cut out a lot of sweet tea from Chic-fil-A and regular Dr. Peppers. Now, I am one that hates diet drinks but Diet Dr. Peppers are good...for the most part. The more I drink the better they become. Plus, they are 0 points. I began with the little plastic bottles REALLY cold.
At recess I have also begun to walk the track. I do at least 2 laps (1/2 mile) and today I did a mile. Next week Brian begins a new schedule where he is home earlier so I will be able to walk at home too :) The results have been S-L-O-W to come but hey, better late than never.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Purely Tired

Wow, it is very tiring working, taking care of Abbie, getting up night with her, and all the other "duties" you hold. Balancing is getting harder. Could that be why I am revisiting high school days on my face??? I come home tired and focus on Abbie. I don't rest because there are things to do. I go to bed about 8:30 at night and start the day all over at 5:45. I can be found at 6:30 am doing laundry, cleaning, straightening up; all the things I didn't get to beforehand.
With that, is there an answer to all this? A way to feel rested, up to speed, and not like you have 50 different plates in the air you better not drop because they are priceless China passed down through generations and have stood the test of World Wars, fires, and small children?
One thing I have done: work stays at work. I bring stuff home and never get to it. I do my planning at school and anything else I need to do. Of course, I still have things running through my head about what needs to get done but it can wait. Family time is when I am home. It's not a time for work. And that has been nice.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Wow, one of those things that teachers across America don't like to deal with. It is tough, hard, and never fair no matter how you play it. Parents don't always agree and all kids are different. I took the advice of one of my comments and today I began a new discipline system. Students have a card on their desk and earn stickers for doing what is asked...the FIRST time. They have to get 25 and then they get something. A drink of their choice for snack time or lunch (yes, snack time. Their favorite time next to lunch and recess), candy bar, extra computer time, no homework...and so forth.
It is already challenging. I can see why teachers all over focus on the "problems." It's easier! It is hard to focus on students doing good and rewarding them when you have the "bad" hanging in the blinds. It is all about getting them to do what you want, when you want. You have to maintain the trouble areas and keep them under your thumb while at the same time acknowledging those who do good. Wow. I am tired thinking about it. I think once the rewards start coming, I will have all angels :) With that, maybe I should give out stickers like crazy to hook them then make it more difficult.
At least I can say, they seem very interested.