Sunday, August 30, 2009


On Friday I loaded up the girls and we headed down to Glen Rose, TX where my grandparents live. I have not seen them in years and my girls have never met their great-grandparents so I figured it was time. The girls did great in the car and thank Jesus for answering that prayer. The house looked the same, my grandparents looked the same, and the house smelled the same. It brought back so many good memories of spending time with them playing outside, riding go-carts in the field across the street, and playing in the workshop. I was so happy to see the girls running around under the huge trees. We headed out to lunch with Granny and ate Dairy Queen. You know you are small town when that is about your only option! We headed out to the park where Abbie kept telling Granny to watch and it was so fun to watch Granny push Abs in the swing. I think she enjoyed it too! After wearing Granny and me out, we headed back to the house where Abbie played catch in the living room with Pa and Ellie just ran around getting into stuff.
I am filled joy that we were able to go and see them and spend time with them. It was so cool to have my girls meet their great-grandparents and for them to meet their precious legacy. I secretly think they were thrilled we had come too! I am eager to go back and share more precious memories.

Proverbs 17:6: Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers.

Monday, August 17, 2009

30 and Fab

My new motto is, well, I don't really have one. I will say I now know my age when asked. For a while when I was 27, 28, and 29, I would just forget how old I was when asked. Seriously. I would have to figure out the year I was born then do some mental math which alone should be avoided. But I have arrived. I must admit I had put much fear into turning 30. I typically make things way worse they should be. I had tons of fun hanging with friends and getting a break from parenting for a night. I think parents should do that more often, especially moms. For those about to be 30, it really isn't that bad. Now 40...that will be another story!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Good Night 20-something

Tonight I will go to bed and say good-night to my twenties. I have wrestled with this and there is no going back, right? When I wake up tomorrow, I will be 30. An age that seemed so far away is lurking. I must admit, I have accomplished much in my twenties as noted in my other post, but now it is time to move on to a different decade with new challenges, growth, trial, heartaches, and joy. I am praying to embrace my birthday with joy and excitement. To allow others to shower me with love and presents---I mean praises. To be ok with this moment in history because God wrote the book. This is how he intended life to be until all things are restored. I am reminded of Psalm 139 each and every birthday because the LORD formed me, he is always there, he knows me, he loves me, he created me to be uniquely, individually his. To this I must say, thank you God for birthdays. Thank you that I can celebrate with friends and family and thank you for blessing me with another year of life. So, Happy Birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear meeeeeee, happy birthday to me!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Virtuous Woman. Me?

Proverbs 31 is by far one of my favorite books in the bible. This world is well, worldly, so I have to step back and see who God says who I am to be. I can't let the world define me by telling me how to look, how to dress, what to drive, or where to live. I can't let the world define me as a mother on what my kids are enrolled in, how advanced are they, and how you working to overcome their weaknesses? I can't let the world define my marriage by doing whatever I feel is right and usurping the God given call on my husband and being his holy spirit. I go back to the scripture and let it define me. This is a very slow process and much against the world's view for a woman. After all, we are to be achievers and go getters and balance work, kids, marriage, extra curricular activities, bake homemade cupcakes, throw together a Martha Stuart dinner while planning classroom parties without batting an eye. This is not me. Never has been. Never will.
The bible tells me clearly I am more precious than jewels (even the $66 million heist in Britain) and my husband trusts me. The virtuous woman works, takes care of her servants, her children, she is business savvy. She speaks with wisdom (in other words, knows when to keep her mouth shut!) and when she does speak, it's kind. It is not about my looks (praise God!), but about fearing the LORD.
What I have been thinking upon today is Proverbs 31:12: She does him good and not harm, all the days of her life.
Wow, no matter what Brian does or says, the bible clearly lays out that I am to bring him good. Every day. Which led me to think, how do I bring Brian good? Is it what I think he needs or what HE needs? In turn, wives, how are you bringing your husband good? What areas do we need to surrender to the LORD so that he can manifest himself in our marriages?
When I get to heaven, I would like to meet this Virtuous Woman and thank her for setting an example of what can be done when I completely lay my life before God. I may never be able to do all the things she does, but I can focus on those I am good at and ask God's grace on what I am weak at all the while, bringing my husband good and honoring God. After all, that is what it is all about.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Tick Tock

I can hear the clock ticking till my birthday. I had a great lunch today with Heather. Probably the last time we will dine in our 20's together. She will be 30 before me, well, 3 days before me. We are both trying to have good attitudes about this landmark in our lives. I am praying to accept this with dignity and grace. I will be 30 and that's that. Her motto, "30 is the new 20." I like that.
What have I accomplished in 30 years?
Skipping through my happy childhood, which it really was, I have graduated high school, completed college in 4 1/2 years with a teaching degree. I was married at 21 (just celebrated 8 years together), first job soon following our marriage, first baby at 25, second baby at 28, quit teaching after 7 years to raise those sweet babies, and am now entering my Jesus years.
All in all, these 30 years the Lord has given me have been a time of change and growth otherwise known as sanctification. I am definitely more chill than I use to be (can you believe that?). I care less about what others think and more about what God thinks. I am learning that Jesus is better than things and I truly can live without the trinkets, even though I must admit, I still really like. I have walked alongside my husband who has been caring, loving, supportive, unselfish beyond degree, amazing, kind, generous, humble, servant-hearted, and has a faith that can't be shaken. Who puts his own needs aside and is willing to sacrifice whatever to keep me home to raise our children in the Lord and to teach them about his love and commandments.
As the time ticks closer to 30, I have to see what the bible says about age. Proverbs 16:31 says, "Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life." Now, don't misread here, I don't yet have gray hair but I will most likely cover it up, but then would I cover up the righteousness I have found in Christ? I digress. Gray hair is linked to aging, and the bible says it is from a righteous life. That is what I want, a righteous life, even if it means gray hair--and the Lord helps me accept that humbly!

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Pick Me! Pick Me!

Some think I am crazy and turning a bit nerdy and that might be the case, but when I win a new Sienna, you won't think that. I worked as hard as possible to enter as much as possible, but I do know that others entered more than me. I did pray for God to show favor and allow me to win. Honestly, I did. But there is probably someone else more deserving than me, but I prayed any way. I am taking part of Huggies Enjoy the Rides Reward. Totally free. You earn points, you spend them. All free. You can enter sweepstakes or Instant Win. The new set of points and prizes are out starting today. Now I will try to win a gym set for the backyard!