Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Post Baby Body

Ugh. That is what I say most days I look in the mirror after having Abbie. I look at all my cute clothes that I can't wear so I turn to my maternity that won't stay up. I know after having a baby that it takes time for weight to come off, but I didn't think it would bother me as much as it does. I knew it would take time but it's that vicious cycle you get in. I have not broke down yet to buy my "fat" clothes because I just refuse to spend money on a size I don't want to be in. I know, I know. I am just being silly and need to just do it. My thought process is if I don't buy clothes then I have to fit in what I have so that must mean motivation. Being a mom is hard because you have to take your eyes off yourself--you have a little one that needs you for everything. At this stage in my life, it is not about me (and it never should be). It's about Abbie. Why is it hard, for those who struggle with weight, to know it in our head but can't get it to our heart?

1 comment:

holdenon said...

I understand what you are feeling. I have gone through the same thing!Good luck. It gets better, but it will take time. The saying I keep repeating to myself is 9 mos up 9 mos down as so many people told me.