Friday, September 16, 2005

Going Back

I go to my school on Thursdays to read to my kiddos to help them transition a bit better. Plus it lets me see what I am in store for! I am torn about going back. Part of me wants to and part of me doesn't. If I could take Abbie with me it would make things much easier. It will be a new world where laundry, cleaning, and dinners may not be done on time any more. Where sleep will be harder to come by seeing I can't sleep in till 8 any more. It will be a balancing act of wife, mother, and teacher. In these last few days of being home, I hope for Abbie to sleep longer periods at night and for me to be OK with working again. God has always been faithful to my prayers and I know he will be faithful in preparing me for the "big day."

1 comment:

holdenon said...

It is all going to workout- I know since I am living it! You have lots of people behind you supporting this decision. Each day will lend new excitement in seeing your baby girl when you get home from work!