Thursday, December 01, 2005

Half Day Free Day

I know there are a lot of complaints out there with teaching but here is one thing you won't hear me complaining about. A free half day. An E.P. Rayzor tradition for Christmas is to give the teachers' a half day off in the afternoon for "shopping" or whatever you want to do. I am very excited because I got a Friday this year. We sign up on a calendar on days we choose as long as we are the only ones from the grade gone. We just split up our kiddos among the teachers in our grade and leave at 11:30.
What's that? What I am I doing?
I am going to clean house since no one will be home and then go shopping for Brian's Christmas and run a few errands then go get Abbie. I am going to try to enjoy some time for myself. Selfish? I am trying not to think about it that way since I have not done anything by myself since she has been born. I think it's ok to be by myself for a couple of hours.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Have fun, Have fun, Have guilt attached! Mine is 15 1/2 months and I still don't know how to take time for myself. It seems we've been attached for 24 1/2 months now! I love her and I don't mind it but sometimes I just want a break and I haven't learned how to do it yet SO...the earlier you learn that it's important for your own sanity and peace of mind the better.