Sunday, July 16, 2006


We went to church on Saturday night and I was wearing jeans, t-shirt, and flip flops but I felt really good about myself thinking I looked cute. That is when it began. Rated as one of the most embarassing things. I took a step off the curb into a puddle where I slipped and fell right in it. In the parking lot of Fellowship Church I am sitting in a puddle. Mortified I jumped up soaked. We began to walk back to the car but I felt so bad for Abs to have ridden there and not to have gotten to play with friends. I sucked it up and went on in, soaked jeans in all and added mud for flavor. Funny thing is, I didn't really mind. I would have before but somehow after having a kid, things don't bother me like they use to. I guess mommy-hood gives us something that says, "Oh, well. It could be worse."

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