We have now completed two weeks of homeschooling and something I never thought I would say, I love it. The girls seem to be thriving and my favorite thing is that we start our day in the word, studying what God has to say to us and asking questions and praying then we start our day. There is no formula for a well ran day, but I truly believe the Lord is blessing our time because we honor him with ours.
Here is what else I feel, I'm a better mom. I don't feel anxious all the time with all the have-to's. We have to be home to get homework done, we have to get in the shower, we have to get dinner started, we have to read now...we have to, we have to. It's now, we get to. We get to go outside and play. We get to read a book together, we get to sleep in and have a leisurely morning. We get to start our day in the word. We have time.
Matt, our pastor, was talking this past weekend about a tired that we feel when we go to bed because we honored and worked hard for the Lord doing what he has asked. I must admit, there were many nights before I home schooled that I went to bed tired, exhausted, and dreading the next day and all that had to be done and joy was sucked right out of me. And in hindsight, perhaps all this stuff I was doing, wasn't unto the Lord because he hadn't asked me to do it! I was working on my plan doing my thing.
But when I surrendered to his call to home school (reluctantly at first), I came under his umbrella of obedience. And I go to bed a good kind of tired. I don't dread my day ahead and all the have-to's, I look forward to going to the park to play with the girls, and for all this, I'm a better mom.
that's a great perspective, Kristie...thanks for posting this. Glad you guys are enjoying your time!
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