Friday, October 18, 2013

A New Season

There is new season upon the Vinson family and not just fall, which happens to be my favorite, but a season of change. Lots of changes. And for one who does not like change, this is sanctification in warp speed for me.
Over the summer Brian and I began to discuss homeschooling, a topic that is not new. We have many friends who homeschool and love it (at least, they seem to!). And the seed began to grow, that we will homeschool our girls. Of course, I met this with a bit of resistance and began to research curriculum after curriculum. I talked/wrote many moms who homeschooled to see what they did, what they liked or didn't like and began to create lists of ideas for every subject and then began to delve into those to find what I think would work best for our girls.
I made a pros and cons list for home school vs. charter school still not certain that the Lord would really ask me to take them out of school that we love, love, love. I will be an advocate for Vista because it's awesome. We are not pulling from this school for any reason other than the Lord has spoken a command over our family and our response is to obey.
I began to feel an angst in my soul that I can not explain other than if you've experienced the Lord asking you to do something and you didn't really want to do but he wouldn't let up till you did. I finally resigned to the fact that he was asking me to do this. And yes, I have a teaching background, but teaching your own kids? Ha! After saying yes, it came down to the timing. We had thought we would start next school year but began to feel better about starting in January and began to second guess ourselves. Curriculum is bought, we know the Lord has asked us, why are we waiting? We then decided to start the first week of November and let the girls be home for the holidays and begin our new way of educating.
Here is one thing I do know, just because the Lord has asked me to do this does not guarantee it will be easy. Part of me is really excited, the other part terrified. I can easily walk the what-if road of all the things that could go wrong. God has been very clear about this calling and he has graciously answered my request for clarity so I know that I am right where I need to be.
The girls are excited. We have our "school" room set up, desks, book shelves, lamps. It is fun to see it all put together and I pray over their desks as I clean them, that the Lord would bless them, bless the girls, and be part of this whole homeschool thing.
I would be remiss not to mention the moms who have been so incredibly helpful (they may not even read this blog, but a huge thanks is still in order!): Nissi, Amanda, Jess, Emily, Kristen, Dawn, and Robin who has poured more time into mentoring me than I dare mention!

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