Monday, June 28, 2010


I think most people have in their mind what blessing means to them (or, at least I assume). What automatically pops into my head tend to be financial blessings or that of health, perhaps even in general, answered prayers.
I am someone who always wonders, ok, perhaps sometimes even stresses, about how things are going to get taken care of. Like when the toilets needed repair along with the A/C and the sprinkler system, all at the same time and of course none of that was included in the budget. And what happened? We were provided for only by the hand of God. It happens every month. For the past 9 years (well, July 7 with be 9 years!). One would think that I would get it through my thick head that I can trust God (completely, totally, all out, without a doubt) and his providential hand by looking at his past faithfulness when I have been so much less. Why would I feel or think anything less?
Which leads me to baby #3 and wondering how in the world we can make it all work. I can become so wrapped up in my thoughts of everything a baby needs, which I have become more practical as time has progressed, but some things are non-negotiable such as: diapers and wipes. My sweet friend Jenny stepped in to answer this prayer by giving me a diaper/wipe shower along with my other dear hostesses: Beckie, Staci, and Patti. There was a need that needed filling and these sweet ladies loved me enough to help out. It was small, intimate, and perfect. And I must say, the gift of diapers and wipes, that will last at 3-4 months I am sure, is to me, a blessing.

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