Monday, July 07, 2008

New Beginning

June 5 we were blessed with the arrival of our 2nd child, a girl. Her name is Ellison Noell and we call her Ellie. We have another daughter Abbie who is almost 3. I have prayed for 3 years now to be a stay at home mom and we haven't been able to afford it. I will be quitting my job and we still can't afford it but we are stepping on faith that God is going to provide. I am scared, frightened, and excited because this faith thing is hard for me. It will be a test of daily sacrifice to my wants and dying to the world. It will be realizing the only thing we get is Jesus and that is what matters most in this world. I am eager as to what God will teach us during this process and how he will provide. I will get to be with my girls and know their hearts and nurture them. I am excited about that! My goal is to keep up with this blog thing (as you can see it's not my strength) to mark the path of being home and no longer working (well, a job that pays) and trusting God more than I have ever had to. I step out in faith knowing the God who fashioned the world and knit this desire to mother in my heart will be glorified beyond anything I can imagine. Praise be his name.


Robin said...

Congrats on the decision! It's hard, but more than anything it's an adjustment. IT DOES GET EASIER!! Promise. =) Praying for you, and call me if you need anything or just an ear.

Theresa said...

I'm so happy for you Kristie! We know you've been wanting this for a while.

Oh, and be ready to take on the hardest job in the world w/o a paycheck but the MOST rewarding nonetheless!!

P.S. Don't forget to call us for some playdates!

Erin said...

I am so excited for you! That is awesome. It will be amazing how God will touch your life through your willingness to step out in faith and be obedient!