Thursday, July 24, 2008

Moved to Tears

Things have been very crazy. As most moms know, your day is full of things to do and when two kids don't nap at the same time limits your ability to get things done. Throw on doing a load of laundry a day because your small one spits all the time and colic in the evening (and fussy mornings) can make your nerves shot and a three year old who needs your attention and is dying to play a game with mommy. How do you balance it all? I have not figured it out yet. Tonight though was different. Ellie was pleasant with very few fussy moments and my husband drew my attention to this and said, "Praise God." Yes, praise God. At that moment I began to tear up (and am now as I write) because it has been so hard. Brian is a huge help and even with two of us, it is still tough. I don't know if this was just a good night or if God is allowing the prayer of healing upon our child, but praise his name either way--for healing Ellie or teaching me some character building.


Robin said...

One day at a time friend. One day at a time.

I just realized the other day how easy my life had gotten in some ways and more challenging in others. It's a roller coaster all right!

Praying colic leaves your family soon.

Erin said...

Hang in there! It can be so overwhelming at time, but it does get easier! It just seems to fall in place after a while! It is hard to adjust to your new normal! But, Praise God for all of those little victories!