Monday, September 18, 2006


The weather has been so nice around here. Abbie and I enjoy going to the park on these crisp evenings. It is almost like we will actually have fall this year! I went running tonight and it felt great. Much better than Saturday morning in the humidity. It felt as though I was running in a shower. There are days I like running and days I don't. I often think about not continuing on this journey and I have to sit and ask what is keeping me from it? Probably selfishness. Maybe fear of not being able to pull this thing off. After all, if you quit then you don't have to worry about not crossing the finish line. But then I run, get home, and feel fabulous that I did it. I continue to pray that God will bless this journey and that I will be committed to it. Even when I just don't feel like it.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

Keep er' goin'! I can guarantee your muscles, blood vessels, oxygen in the cells, and brain are saying thank you, thank you!

I've ran the last two days but missed today and the weather is FINALLY dropping below the 100's...thank goodness! Run on baby!

BTW - I'm not running the RFTC because I'm having unexpected surgery next week. Maybe, next year.