Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'

She did it. She finally rolled over and I got the last part of it on tape. This lovely event occured on Thursday, February 2 in the evening. She rolls over all the time now. It is so cute how she just flops herself over and poof! There she is on her tummy. Here's the kicker-she doesn't know how to get back over and gets a bit mad after a bit that she can't get on her back. She will get there. To top that off, she is beginning to sit up by herself! She needs some support but is doing a great job. Wow, what a lot to do in just 6 months. Busy little thing.

1 comment:

Robin said...

you're gonna blink and she'll be walking. It really goes by so fast. I would tell you to enjoy it, but I know you are. The good news is spring break is just around the corner!