Monday, August 17, 2009

30 and Fab

My new motto is, well, I don't really have one. I will say I now know my age when asked. For a while when I was 27, 28, and 29, I would just forget how old I was when asked. Seriously. I would have to figure out the year I was born then do some mental math which alone should be avoided. But I have arrived. I must admit I had put much fear into turning 30. I typically make things way worse they should be. I had tons of fun hanging with friends and getting a break from parenting for a night. I think parents should do that more often, especially moms. For those about to be 30, it really isn't that bad. Now 40...that will be another story!

1 comment:

Robin said...

From those of us who will be 40 in 2 yrs...shut it.