Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pay Day

Most people are excited about pay day. Today was my first CDO check. It was something less than desirable. Almost a little sad. I began to work on the budget for the upcoming month and I am scared. My heart just sank and I am worried. (I know that worry is not biblical!) I am now beginning to wonder for real how we are going to make it. This month marks a "real" month since I no longer pull in a teacher salary. I know God has called us to this point in our life. I know he has us exactly where he wants me---totally dependent on him. I have to pray for protection against doubt and fear and that I would completely trust him to take care of us. I know he can. I have to be willing to let go of the control I hold, and allow him to be God. Frightening for me. He is going to teach me so much during this time and I think humility might just be the first step!


Erin said...

I am learning a little of that faith stuff too, with regard to control! Praying for you guys!

Robin said...

This time next year, I'm hoping I'll be right there with you. Terry and I are looking at the budget now. We'll see how it goes.

Praying for you!