Monday, December 03, 2007

Doctor Visit

After waiting at my doctor's office for an hour and a half I had a lot of time to think. Sitting mindlessly I brainstormed an idea for doctor offices. They need little games for you to play like Cracker Barrel does. Those type of things to get you through the wait. Even have some Sudoku puzzles available. When I finally got back they weighed me (everyone's favorite),took my blood pressure and asked how I was feeling and I was able to hear the heartbeat (even at 10 weeks and having to hold my breath). She said all was good and then I left. This all took about 7 minutes. As I was leaving all the lights were being shut off or already off. Fighting traffic during Denton rush hour I was finally reunited with my family where my wonderful husband had cooked dinner and had it on the table ready to eat. I guess waiting isn't too bad when you don't have to cook!

1 comment:

Erin said...

I hate when that happens! All for a tummy check. And I am so with you on the weighing, is it really necessary, even when you know you are supposed to be gaining weight it is hard!