Do it before breakfast and since you're "suppose" to eat within 30 minutes, I roll out of bed and workout.
Flying Dog This shows how to do it--do 15 reps
Glute Raises This video is terrible, but all I could find. Bend your knees when you do it and push from the heel, not balls of feet.
Hip Flexor stretch 30 seconds each side
10 burpees I go down into plank position and don't jump at the end, however, maybe I need to for now on. Nah. I squat, jump into plank (then I do a jumping jack with my legs while in plank), jump back, stand up, repeat.
Scroll down on both of these links to see how to do them. He calls the myotatic crunch: Cat Vomit Exercise
There you go. Your morning workout. Now go eat protein.