Saturday, June 17, 2006

Losing Track

Being home I am certainly losing track of time. I can't believe I have been out for 3 weeks and I wonder: What I have done? It seems like laundry is never caught up, house gets messy and needs straightening, errands to run, baby to look after and play with. I am seeing another side to stay at home moms and kudos to you especially since most of you have more than 1 kiddo. I love every minute of being home and doing these things. I will greatly miss playing with her during the day and running errands and having anything I want for lunch. I still have projects to work on around the house and lots more time with Abbie. On the agenda this week: begin planning her 1st birthday party.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

Welcome to being a let's see you do it for four years straight and add another kiddo for the past year and see how much you lose track? I lost it about 3 1/2 years ago. :)