Sunday, January 25, 2009

Going Good

I was talking to a long time friend of mine of just how God has been so amazing to us and that I needed to blog about it. As you may have read, I have a new job that is amazing and has allowed me to stay home and not go back to teaching. I am very excited about this. We are at a place in life where we went 6 months with nothing extra and barely making it to having an excess. The one thing Brian and I are praying for is protection over not falling back into old habits where we go back to charging whatever we want, but to realize we have been given a gift by God and we are to use it wisely. We want to be generous givers. Brian is natural at that. Me, not so much. I am greedy and stingy and don't like giving because, after all, the money is mine, right?! Now, you might say, "That sounds cold." Well, I must speak the truth of my heart and bring it into the light so that I can't hide in darkness and be given over to sin of greed. I have been praying for a few months now that God would give me heart of flesh. This will be his under taking and him alone who can do that.
Brian and I are wondering who can we help? Are there friends in need? Who could use a happy present? How can we go beyond ourselves and instead of having things terminate on us, let it terminate onto God? He has done something amazing and for me to be prideful, selfish, or greedy would be to deny my God the glory of what he has done. And that is a place I don't want to ever go.

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