Friday, December 21, 2007


Over the past three weeks or so, Abbie has had something of some sorts. We went to the doctor with a cough and fever and ended up getting x-rayed for pneumonia which was really bronchiolitis. Yeah, we are better. The fever came back and back to the doctor we went and it was the beginning of a sinus infection. Antibiotics take care of everything. Right? No. She wakes up today holding her right hear and crying in pain. Now, she has tubes so there should be nothing wrong. Right? No. They get us into the doctor thankfully about 4:15 and the doctor checks out her ear and says it must be her right one. Yes, doctor, it is. The tube she has in that ear is not draining the puss like it should so it is getting backed up causing pressure. Lovely. He gave us some antibiotics for the ear and a higher dose orally to try to knock all this out. If the ear drops don't work, we will have to go back to the ENT and possibly have the tube removed and another put in. She has spent most of the evening in a horrid mood, crying, fussing, and not wanting anything except to "rest mama" but even that can send her off screaming again. Now she is down to sleep. Hopefully all night. Oh Jesus, I know this is least of what it could be but we need that little girl completely healed! Please pray that these medicines do the job for her and the pain is subsided very quickly.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

Sounds like us over here...V. missed school today, I took her to the doctor and she has another ear infection with fever as well. Seems to be flying around.

I know this may sound silly, but V. had the same problems as Abbie. We had multiple ear infections and tubes too with her. But what really helped along with the meds was to elevate her crib/bed. I know it sounds so fundamental but it's so important. When little lay down flat with an ear infection it sends pressure up to their head hence causing ear pain. So for the first 1 1/2 of Victoria's life she was always elevated at one end. We just stacked phonebooks under the legs of the crib/bed. Worked every time. Good luck and we'll be praying for her!